MapLink™ Procedures | Floodplain Areas

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Floodplain Areas
The rights and responsibilities involving land within the floodplain area as set forth in the Flood Insurance Rate Map for the Township of East Hempfield are addressed in a separate ordinance adopted on or about the date of this section, as amended from time to time hereafter, entitled “An Ordinance Requiring All Persons, Partnerships, Businesses and Corporations to Obtain a Permit for Any Construction or Development; Providing for the Issuance of Such Permits; Setting Forth Certain Minimum Requirements for New Construction and Development Within Areas of the Township of East Hempfield Which are Subject to Flooding; and Establishing Penalties for Any Persons who Fail, or Refuse to Comply With, the Requirements or Provisions of this Ordinance.

The intent of this chapter is to:
A. Promote the general health, welfare, and safety of the community.
B. Encourage the utilization of appropriate construction practices in order to prevent or minimize flood damage in the future.
C. Minimize danger to public health by protecting water supply and natural drainage.
D. Reduce financial burdens imposed on the community, its governmental units, and its residents, by preventing excessive development in areas subject to flooding.
E. Comply with federal and state floodplain management requirements.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, business or corporation to undertake, or cause to be undertaken, any construction or development anywhere within the Township of East Hempfield unless a permit has been obtained from the Floodplain Administrator.
B. A permit shall not be required for minor repairs to existing buildings or structures.

See Chapter 250: Floodplain Management for complete, detailed information regarding Administration, Identification, Technical Provisions and Activities Requiring Permits for floodplain areas.

See Forms and Applications for detailed information.