MapLink™ Procedures | Mineral Extraction

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Mineral Extraction
As a part of each application, the applicant shall furnish an accurate survey site plan at a scale no less than one inch equals 400 feet, showing the location of the lot or lots of land to be affected by the operation. The surveyed site plan shall be sealed by a registered professional engineer or a registered professional land surveyor and shall include the following:
(a) The boundaries of the proposed affected area, together with drainage area above and below the area of the operation.
(b) The location and names of the types and resources to be extracted or quarried and names of all natural and man-made features such as streams, streets, railroads, and utility lines on or immediately adjacent to the area.
(c) The location of all buildings within 1,000 feet of the lot and the names and addresses of the owners and present occupants, total acreage, names and addresses of adjacent landowners and the location of rights-of-way and easements, abutting and/or adjacent zones and land uses.
(d) The purpose for which each building is used and estimated depth of the proposed operation and land area to be excavated with dimensions.
(e) Proposed alterations to watercourses to assure stream quality and quantity.
(f) Any proposed fencing and landscaping, which must comply with the design standards in Article 4: General Provisions.
(g) A contour map showing cross sections of the proposed mineral extraction area including a detailed hydrogeologic groundwater study based on complete site studies.
The applicant shall obtain any required permit or permits from the Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (PA DEP), or any successor agency thereto, and shall present such permit or permits to the Board of Supervisors.

The applicant shall present duplicate sets of the plans, specifications, applications and supporting data that have been, or shall be, presented to the PA DEP for review to the East Hempfield Township Board of Supervisors. If such use is approved, the operator shall continue to present such documentation to the Township when it is submitted to the PA DEP.

The applicant shall demonstrate that the water supplies for neighboring lots shall not be adversely affected by the proposed use. In order to fulfill this requirement, the applicant shall submit to the Township Board of Supervisors a hydrogeologic study performed by a qualified hydrogeologist or other similar professional. Such study shall be prepared in accordance with accepted hydrogeological standards and practices; shall contain the sources of all test data, including but not limited to wells evaluated as a part of the study; and shall clearly set forth the conclusions and recommendations of the professional.

The applicant shall provide an analysis, prepared by a registered professional engineer experienced in the field of traffic analysis, of the physical conditions of the primary street system serving the site. A traffic study shall be submitted by the applicant in accordance with the East Hempfield Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, as amended, and the Road Ordinance. If the traffic study demonstrates that improvements to Township or state streets shall be required in order to serve the proposed use or to alleviate the direct impacts of the proposed use upon the traffic network, the applicant shall make and/or guarantee the cost of such improvements.

The operator shall maintain and make available to the public at its office all permits and approved plans required by all governmental regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the permitting, operation, maintenance and/or reclamation of such a facility.

The operator shall provide the Township with copies of any notices of violation received from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency within two weeks from the date such notice of violation was received by the operator.

At the time of application, an operations statement shall be submitted which shall include a detailed description of methods for satisfactorily handling operations with respect to the emission of noise, dust, blast, smoke, refuse matter or water, odor, gas, fumes or similar substances or conditions which may endanger the health, safety, or general welfare or which can cause any soiling or staining of persons or property beyond the lot lines. All such operations statements shall be in full compliance with all applicable state and federal statutes and regulations as well as this chapter. All pollution, soil erosion and sedimentation control, and other environmental problems created during the operation including the production, transportation, processing, stockpiling, storage and disposal of products, byproducts and wastes shall be corrected by the operator.

At the time of application, a reclamation plan shall also be submitted setting forth the following information:
(a) An engineering drawing showing ownership, existing and future topography, streams, existing streets, buildings, boundaries, and legal description of the lot;
(b) A description of the location, type, extent, methods, and time schedule for the operation proposed;
(c) A drawing showing the location and/or proposed relocation of land, trees, buildings, structures, public streets, streams, drainage facilities, and utility lines on the lot or adjacent lots as may require protection, repairs, clearing, demolition or restoration either during or following the completion of the operations proposed; and
(d) A plan for re-use of the land after completion of the operations which shall permit the carrying out of the purposes of this article and appropriately provide for any restoration, reclamation, reforestation or other correction work deemed necessary and which shall comply with all applicable state and federal statutes and regulations governing the reclamation of the proposed facility. Such re-use plan shall comply with the filing requirements of Article 9, Administration and Enforcement.

As a condition of approval, the operator must certify that after the termination of operations, he must rehabilitate the area to conform to the reclamation plan and all applicable federal and state statutes and regulations.

Within 90 days after the commencement of mineral extraction operations and each year thereafter, the operator shall file an operations and progress report with the Township Zoning Officer and/or Township Engineer setting forth the following:
(a) The name, address and telephone number of the operator;
(b) The location of the operation with reference to the nearest public street;
(c) A description of the lot or lots, including a site plan showing the location of all improvements, stockpiles, quarry pits, etc.;
(d) The name and address of the landowner or his duly authorized representative;
(e) An annual report of the type and quantity of material produced;
(f) The current status of the reclamation work performed pursuant to the approved reclamation plan;
(g) A maintenance report for the site verifying that all required fencing, berm construction and screening has been specifically inspected for needed repairs and/or maintenance and that such needed repairs and/or maintenance have been performed; and
(h) Verification that the proposed use continues to comply with all applicable state regulations. The operator shall furnish copies of any approved permits and/or any notices of violations issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to the Township Zoning Officer and/or Township Engineer.

See § 270-5.2LL for complete, detailed information.
See Forms and Applications for more information.