MapLink™ Procedures | Cluster Developments

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Cluster Developments
Delineation of required open space: As part of the site planning process for the cluster development, the applicant shall be required to prepare a detailed natural and cultural features inventory of the site. Such features shall become all or part of the required common open space. Qualified experts must identify, describe, and plot each of the following found on the proposed site:
[1] One-hundred-year floodplains;
[2] Steep slopes (greater than 15%);
[3] Wetlands, streams, ponds, or other water bodies;
[4] Threatened or endangered species habitats;
[5] Archaeological resources;
[6] Historic resources; and
[7] Significant stands of mature trees.
Parkland/common open space delineation: The applicant shall delineate all required common open space and future parklands. Parklands, as required by the East Hempfield Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, as amended, may be proposed within the required common open space. Such delineation shall be acceptable to the East Hempfield Township Board of Supervisors if it complies with the following:
[1] Located and designed so that safe and convenient access shall be provided to all existing and proposed residents of the development. Additionally, each site shall have at least one area available for vehicular access that is no less than 24 feet in width.
[2] Sized and configured to accommodate its intended uses. Sufficient lot width/depth dimension shall be provided to accommodate, where practicable, ball fields, sport courts, and other open play areas. Furthermore, should a development be proposed at a location contiguous to an existing park, parklands should be provided, where practicable, as an expansion of the existing facility.
[3] Have suitable topography and soil conditions for use and development as active play areas. No more than 50% of the open space area shall be comprised of floodplains, stormwater management facilities and/or slopes exceeding 15%.
[4] Located and designed to conveniently access public utilities; however, no part of any overhead utility easement, nor any above-ground protrusion of an underground utility, should be permitted in active play areas of the site.
[5] No part of the site shall be calculated as part of any required setback, yard and/or open space for adjoining lots or uses as regulated herein.
[6] Shall comply with any applicable design, orientation, size and location guidelines listed in the East Hempfield Township Parks and Recreation Plan for its particular neighborhood.
[7] Required open space shall be in addition to any dedicated parklands and/or fees in lieu, as required in the East Hempfield Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, as amended.
Open space requirements: All plans shall provide a minimum of 20% of the gross lot area in the required common open space. This does not include the required parkland as required in the East Hempfield Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, as amended.

See § 270-5.2P for complete information on cluster developments.