MapLink™ Procedures | Wireless Facilities (Collocation Permits)

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Wireless Facilities (Collocation Permits)
In addition to the requirements in § 270-5.2Q(1), the following regulations shall apply to all wireless facilities to be located outside of the ROW:
(a) Collocation. Collocation of WFs, to include small cell WFs, on existing macrocell WFs and existing wireless support structures that do not substantially change the existing macrocell WF or existing wireless support structure and does not constitute a substantial change is encouraged and shall be a permitted use in all zoning districts to include the ROW, even if the existing macrocell WF or existing wireless support structure does not comply with the requirements of this § 270-5.2Q, pursuant to the requirements of the WBCA.
[1] Setbacks. Collocation of WFs are exempt from separation distances established for WFs.
[2] Building permit required. WFs that meet the requirements for collocation shall require a permit from the Township. The WF applicant shall submit to the Township a written and a digital copy of the permit application, plans, and any associated documentation on the form supplied by the Township and shall follow the Township Zoning Ordinance's and the Township Building Code's permit procedures.
[3] Timing of approval. Within 90 days of receipt of a complete application for a collocated WF on a pre-existing macrocell WF or wireless support structure, the Township shall make a final decision on whether to approve the application and shall notify the WF applicant in writing of such decision.

See § 270-5.2Q for complete, detailed information on wireless facilities.
See Forms and Applications for more information.