MapLink™ Procedures

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Special Use Regulations
Accessory Dwelling Unts Requires regulations due to their potential community impact and development styles. Show Less Show More Amusement, Fitness, and Entertainment Businesses Show Less Show More Cluster Developments Cluster developments are permitted by conditional use, subject to required standards. Show Less Show More Decommissioning of Wind Energy Systems The applicant/owner shall sign an agreement. Show Less Show More Mineral Extraction As a part of each application, the applicant shall furnish an accurate survey site plan. Show Less Show More Principal Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) All principal wind energy conversion systems shall meet the applicable regulations. Show Less Show More Small Cell Wireless Facilities For an initial application for a small cell WF, the Township shall notify the WF applicant if application is incomplete. Show Less Show More Wireless Facilities (Collocation Permits) Collocation of WFs, to include small cell WFs, on existing macrocell WFs and existing wireless support structures. Show Less Show More Wireless Facilities (General Requirements) General and specific requirements for wireless facilities. Show Less Show More Wireless Facilities (Permits) Prior to the construction of any new WF, the WF applicant must obtain approval from the Township Zoning Officer and Building Code Official. Show Less Prior to the construction of any new WF, the WF applicant must obtain approval from the Township Zoning Officer and Building ... Show More Wireless Facilities (Relocation or Removal) Show Less Show More